Welcome to AboutAtheism.Net! Over the past 50 years huge advancements in astronomy, physics, molecular biology and genetics have eroded the arguments previously used to undermine belief in God. Rather, arguments that were thought to have been totally undermined (such as the teleological argument) have received powerful invigoration through such advances and are now much harder to dismiss compared to the days of a clockwork (mechanical) universe, Darwinian notions of cells and primeval soups. Seeing the rise in the case for a knowing, willing, powerful creator, and the increasing challenges posed to atheism, a militant wing (Dawkins, Dennet, Harris, Grayling, Hitchens) has appeared to "save the masses." Their aggressive polemic is not free of question-begging, double-standards, misinformation, distortion and refutation of straw-man arguments to avoid addressing the actual arguments and issues.

'Who Created God?' Is an Illegitimate and Impossible Question Based Upon Confusion Between Categories
The question: "If God is the creator, then who created the creator?" is illegitimate because by definition, the Creator is uncreated. He is eternal, without beginning, without end and all affairs return back to Him: (وَأَنَّ إِلَىٰ ... Read more »

Materialism, Naturalism, Atheism Are Corruptions of Human Nature
Shaykh ʿAlī Nāṣir al-Faqīhī: "Knowledge of Allāh and affirmation of His existence is an innate, deeply-embedded trait in the human being, because everyone from the offspring of Ādam affirms the existence of a Creator and acknowledges Him. As for what some of ... Read more »

Evidences of Rubūbiyyah: 'Cells Work Just Like Computers'
Animal and plant cells move information and instructions throughout its internal structure similar to the way a computer operates when it routes these kinds of signals through various circuits.. . ... Read more »

Chance, Probability and Atheists
Staunch atheists readily admit that there is an overwhelming impression of design and that the design to designer inference is natural and expected. However, they then aim to overturn this necessity through clever story-telling, employing deceptive technical and cryptic language, and the invocation ... Read more »

Keeping a Stationary Earth Moving Through Imaginary Physics and Propping Up the Cosmic Religion of Giordano Bruno
This is a follow up to our previous article titled, "Qur'anic Evidences For the Motion of the Sun Being Responsible for the Phenomena of Night and Day", (), in which we explained how 19th century science was unable to validate the claim of the astrologer-astronomers such as Nicolaus Copernicus (1543) ... Read more »

2019 Templeton Prize Winner: Atheism Is Inconsistent With the Scientific Method
Materialism, Naturalism and Atheism are ideological positions in which the attempt is made to ascribe--: a) the clearly observed wisdoms, objectives and goal-steering mechanisms and b) the intricate, intertwined cause-effect systems facilitating life, which indicate ==> c) the exercising of the ... Read more »

Evidences of Rubūbiyyah: Proteins Have 'Zip-Codes' (Postcodes) Which Determine Their Destinations
When a letter is written, the writer places an address on its envelope, marked with a zip or a postcode. It is then pushed out (from the place it was written) and goes into a letter box or post office. From here, it is picked up and through a transport system, is delivered to its destination. Proteins ... Read more »

Why Naturalists, Materialists and Atheists Are Scared of 'Design in Nature' and 'Machine Metaphor'
The Muslim scholar Ibn al-Qayyim (d. 1350) said: "Whoever reflects upon the whole universe, its upper and lower and all of its domains will find it bearing witness to the affirmation of its maker, originator and owner." Madārij al-Sālikīn (1/82) According to Wikipedia, Massimo ... Read more »

Evidences of Rubūbiyyah: An Insect With Functional Gears in Its Legs
Materialists, Naturalists and Atheists are sophisticated versions of primitive nature-worshippers. They divest the Creator of those of His attributes which are readily apparent through simple reflection upon His creation and then attribute them to nature using highly technical cryptic language. Such ... Read more »

The Clinic: How Psychologically Insecure Atheists Comfort Themselves - Part 1
A Glimpse into How Psychologically Insecure Atheists Comfort Themselves Through Word Games and Intellectual Trickery: Part 1. Excerpt: The Two Types of Atheists The first are those who make a positive claim by stating outright, "There is no God" , and this is a difficult stance to adopt because this ... Read more »

Qur'anic Evidences for the Motion of the Sun and the Phenomena of Night and Day
A stationary Earth and moving sun was the consensus of the Muslims and the People of the Book prior to the astrologer-astronomer Copernicus (d. 1543) and likewise, after him. There is nothing that has or can disprove this view in currently accepted scientific theories. Lincoln Barnett (1909-1979CE) ... Read more »

On Female Genital Mutilation, Culture and Islam: A Refutation of Ayaan Hirsi Ali
The Scholars of the Muslims on the Harmful Practice of Female Genital Mutilation, An Explanation of the Medical Benefits of Hoodectomy (Khitān) and a Refutation of Ayaan Hirsi Ali Who Suffered Genital Mutilation Due to an Ancient Egyptian Practice and then 'Blamed Islām' For the Harms of ... Read more »

Responses to the Doubts of the Apostates and Anti-Islam Propagandists
In this series we discuss, dissect and respond to the doubts of self-proclaimed apostates and anti-Islam propagandists which are spread via the tube and social media. ]] . Excerpt: In short, this smarmy self-proclaimed apostate is just quickfiring blanks with the shallowness of an immature child, ... Read more »

The Quran, the Sunnah and Modern Astronomy: Observations on the Solar System of the Astrologers
Much of modern astronomy and the theoretical physics invented to support it comprise a poison and a mind virus that have infected the intellects of Muslims, let alone a great portion of the rest of humanity. This is because it is built upon ideologically motivated assumptions which cannot be empirically ... Read more »

A Muslim's Guide to Naturalism, Atheism and Evolution
Latest Article: As a term, evolution is general, vague and is impregnated with numerous meanings, some of which are agreed upon conforming with empirical observations and some of which are contested. Conveniently, the term evolution is defined and expressed in a manner similar to that of horoscopes. ... Read more »

New Atheists
The Atheist Clinic

Latest Articles
'Who Created God?' Is an Illegitimate and Impossible Question Based Upon Confusion Between Categories
Materialism, Naturalism, Atheism Are Corruptions of Human Nature
Evidences of Rubūbiyyah: 'Cells Work Just Like Computers'
Chance, Probability and Atheists
Keeping a Stationary Earth Moving Through Imaginary Physics and Propping Up the Cosmic Religion of Giordano Bruno
2019 Templeton Prize Winner: Atheism Is Inconsistent With the Scientific Method
Evidences of Rubūbiyyah: Proteins Have 'Zip-Codes' (Postcodes) Which Determine Their Destinations
Why Naturalists, Materialists and Atheists Are Scared of 'Design in Nature' and 'Machine Metaphor'
Evidences of Rubūbiyyah: An Insect With Functional Gears in Its Legs
The Clinic: How Psychologically Insecure Atheists Comfort Themselves - Part 1

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